2015 Cook Park Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K Logo

2015 Cook Park 5K
Cook Park, Tualatin, OR
June 27th, 2015

Email timing@hubertiming.com with results questions. Please include your bib number if you have it.

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Finishers: 15
Male: 7
Female: 8
Marathon Half Marathon Summary
Search: Division:
Place Bib Name Gender Age City State Chip Pace Time Gender Place Age Group Age Group Place Time to Start Gun Time
1 88 AVERY ROSENBALM F 18 SHERWOOD OR 6:38 20:35 1 of 8 F 15-19 1 of 1 0:02 20:37
2 7748 JEFF HUBER M 35 BEAVERTON OR 7:00 21:42 1 of 7 M 35-39 1 of 4 0:01 21:43
3 95 ROHIT GROVER M 39 WEST LINN OR 7:44 24:00 2 of 7 M 35-39 2 of 4 0:03 24:03
4 89 SUZY SEELEY F 56 HOUSTON TX 7:54 24:32 2 of 8 F 55-59 1 of 1 0:02 24:34
5 79 AMI ANGELL F 40 PORTLAND OR 8:09 25:18 3 of 8 F 40-44 1 of 2 0:02 25:20
6 194 JESSE HAGNER M 39 TIGARD OR 8:33 26:32 3 of 7 M 35-39 3 of 4 0:03 26:35
7 82 SCOTT GONNERMAN M 49 LAKE OSWEGO OR 9:01 27:58 4 of 7 M 45-49 1 of 1 0:03 28:01
8 81 MONET GONNERMAN F 22 LAKE OSWEGO OR 9:01 27:58 4 of 8 F 20-24 1 of 1 0:03 28:01
9 96 DAVID SEELAY M 56 HOUSTAN TX 11:41 36:14 5 of 7 M 55-59 1 of 1 0:13 36:27
10 163 BRENDA BENTLEY F 46 PORTLAND OR 13:06 40:38 5 of 8 F 45-49 1 of 2 0:30 41:08
11 80 MADHURA CHATTERJEE F 34 PORTLAND OR 14:50 45:59 6 of 8 F 30-34 1 of 1 0:28 46:27
12 83 SHUVENDU LAHIRI M 38 ISSAQUAH WA 14:50 46:00 6 of 7 M 35-39 4 of 4 0:27 46:27
13 87 JUSTIN ROBLES M 20 ORANGE CA 15:08 46:57 7 of 7 M 20-24 1 of 1 0:06 47:03
14 86 CARRIE ROBLES F 49 ORANGE CA 15:09 47:00 7 of 8 F 45-49 2 of 2 0:06 47:06
15 94 PRIYA JAMKHEDKAR F 40 WEST LINN OR 19:27 1:00:20 8 of 8 F 40-44 2 of 2 0:16 1:00:36
Huber Timing